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What do you know about dry shampoo?

Time : 2018/1/2 13:35:31

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What do you know about dry shampoo?

Having an appointment or meeting coming up and not having time to wash your hair or not having access to water to wash your hair when traveling.Dry shampoo can be your savior to face these emergencies.


How does dry shampoo work?
Dry shampoo absorbs excess oils from the hair, adds volume, and leaves the hair smelling fragrant.Contains starch-based active ingredients that absorb excess oil from the scalp and hair.

How to use dry shampoo correctly?

·        Always use on dry hair. If your hair is slightly sweaty post-workout, quickly touch it up with a hair dryer.

·        Shake the can of dry shampoo well before use.

·        Hold the can 30cm away from your hair and spray.

·        Let it sit after a few minutes, then massage it in with your fingers.This helps to eliminate any residue and adds volume to the hair.

·        Brush it off from the roots.

Dry shampoo is the perfect tool to use in between washes to lengthen your hairstyle and save time and energy when it comes to the appearance of your hair.Dry shampoo is the perfect complement to a traditional shampoo care routine, our rule of thumb is to avoid dry shampoo that is used for more than two days in a row, as dry shampoo is not a substitute for traditional shampoo, and while they have the same effect from a visual point of view, they work differently.We need to have a good balance of dry shampoo and traditional shampoo use.